New Design Post

New Design Post

New Design Post featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Pop Pop

It was a winter season project for the spatial experience design of Lotte Duty-Free that combined cultural elements with retail space to deliver more than a shopping experience. Designers suggested a story that reminds them of precious moments of travel with a seasonal space direction and product design for travel goods. The illustrations by Dutch artist Jordy Van Den Nieubdijk portrayed the winter in Santa Village. The illustrations represented the theme in an elaborate process like completing a picture with hundreds of puzzle pieces.

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Capsules of Wonder

Located separately in a specialized hall at the Hong Kong Watch and Clock Fair, the Salon de TE was created as a marketing component accessible to both public and media. It would contain 4 zones showcasing over 140 international watch brands. To differentiate the Salon de TE apart, the event organizer requested an 1800 square meter introductory passageway design. From this, an interactive experience to engage the visitors was created under the concept Capsules of Wonder. Besides this challenge, only 3 days were allowed for the onsite production.

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Feel the Vineyard

Feel the vineyard is an exhibition held in Hong Kong which is the most influential wine and spirits trade fair in the Asia Pacific. The theme of the design is Winery and material selection mainly focus on wood, grass, and metal. The design provided a professional and high-end image to the visitors. Because of the space limitation, the cabinet was designed in wired metal which increases the visual spacing and flexibility of display. Moreover, aroma wall and wine bar were the features of this exhibition. The visitor could experience the featured smells of wine which are produced from Australia.

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Fashion Launderette

An image uplift for the 2019 Hong Kong Fashion Week was required by the event organiser to stimulate the visitors’ attention and to subconsciously show the latest seasonal trend colours. From this a fun thematic approach was developed, inspired by 1980’s laundromat interiors genre under the name Fashion Launderette. The theme would start with a welcome installation, then an entrance treatment for the main hall. Followed by a multi-functional space for seminars and cocktail receptions etc. located inside the hall for fashion shows.

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Five Senses Feast

To make Glenmorangie New Lasanta stand out in the competition among the numerous whiskey producers eyeing Taiwan as an important market and to bring a brand-new experience in whiskey tasting have been the primary goal of Glenmorangie WhiskyFest in Taipei. Unlike the singularity and one-directionality of other wine tasting and displaying events, five main interactive installations and a tasting bar have been organized, enabling visitors to do more than experience passively—their visit was transformed into a distinctive journey by appealing to the five senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch.

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Starhub TVB Awards

Starhub TVB Awards 25th anniversary, held at Singapore Marina Bay Sands – Sand Theatre. Designers were invited to do the stage design for the event. More than 30 TVB artists and different singers go onstage. The idea of the decoration came from the gardens by the bay. The supertree grove is one of a signature in Singapore. Furthermore, designers used of led wall displays in different compositions. Another 5 sets of vertical led displays are hanging by cyberhoist to create different movements and match with video graphics.

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Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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