New Design Post

New Design Post

New Design Post featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Feel the Vineyard

Feel the vineyard is an exhibition held in Hong Kong which is the most influential wine and spirits trade fair in the Asia Pacific. The theme of the design is Winery and material selection mainly focus on wood, grass, and metal. The design provided a professional and high-end image to the visitors. Because of the space limitation, the cabinet was designed in wired metal which increases the visual spacing and flexibility of display. Moreover, aroma wall and wine bar were the features of this exhibition. The visitor could experience the featured smells of wine which are produced from Australia.

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Fido Dido House by 7UP Free

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Pop Pop

It was a winter season project for the spatial experience design of Lotte Duty-Free that combined cultural elements with retail space to deliver more than a shopping experience. Designers suggested a story that reminds them of precious moments of travel with a seasonal space direction and product design for travel goods. The illustrations by Dutch artist Jordy Van Den Nieubdijk portrayed the winter in Santa Village. The illustrations represented the theme in an elaborate process like completing a picture with hundreds of puzzle pieces.

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Design strategy:Use the sheet and vanish point to create diverse spatial experience and interest. front, diverse visual experience of expand and compress side, line to create interesting skyline rear, interaction with green life Design description:Learn from the nature geometry from crystal to create a multi-dimensional framework. The framework is built by point, line and surface and to create the spatial interests of expand and compress. The remnant space become the floating area of sunshine.

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Fashion of Music

To uplift the image of the 2016 HK Fashion Week from a sourcing fair to a marketing show. A welcome installation was created using a 5m high LED monolith, themed mannequins and large lit title signage under the concept fashion of music. Following this theme and located inside the hall, a 350m2 multifunctional space was built. This acted as a center point for fashion shows, open seminars, bar and lounge for informal meetings activities occurred.

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Supermarket Therapy

A low cost solution to uplift the organizer's areas decorative ambiance at the Hong Kong International Printing & Packaging Fair was required. This entailed a 6m x 3.5m registration wall with counter, an open forum, a print awards and digital printing awards areas, along with a seminar space to seat 100 people. A graphical approach to resemble a surrealistic supermarket environment under the theme of Supermarket Therapy was developed. Using bold colors and graphics made the organizer's spaces in this show easy to distinguish for the visitors.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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