New Design Post

New Design Post

New Design Post featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Dinosaurs Among Us

Dinosaurs Among Us reveals that dinosaurs are not so extinct after all. Recent research shows that dinosaurs’ evolutionary legacy lives on in birds. We seek to put a fresh twist on the ancient topic on dinosaurs with new research linking dinosaurs to birds. The exhibition’s bold colors, quirky quadrilateral shapes, and plentiful interactives contrast against the realistic Dinosauria models and authentic fossils to create a striking, thought-provoking environment.

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Olive tree

In the Centre stands a mighty, 250 year-old Olive Tree, around which are gathered fragrant sage and Lavender Bushes. On each Side of the green Island, steps lead to the otherwise entirely white Stand, which is bordered at the Back by a Technically Innovative Lighting Wall: This consists of a strip of Flat Screens on an RGB-controlled background Surface, over which closely-coordinated Sequences of Landscape shots run.

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Triple Reuse

In April 2016, 3 trade fairs opened in succession and a series of welcome installations were required to mark the entrance of the venue. Apart from each fair having its own unique identity, onsite construction wastage had to be kept to a minimal for each transformation. A mobile truck was morphed into 3 different themes to suit the related trade fair; futuristic transporter, European mobile flower shop and pop-up candy stall, offering a more sustainable approach to creativity.

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Alvalle Gazpacheria Event

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Design is

Design is…, a selection of Brazilian Design group displayed in two hundred colorful mobiles. Each piece, in the shape of a cube, portrayed a different definition of design by creators and creatures from the universe of Brazilian Design, with less than a hundred characters. The installation created a moment for everyone to look up – a unique experience that challenged visitors’ perspectives, as if they were was seeking out stars in a constellation. Each has its own brilliance, but together they form a universe to be explored. It was a conceptual big bang.

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